Almost everyone goes through periods of anxiety, depression or both at some point. When conditions are appropriate, anxiety is a healthy "fight or flight" reaction that aids you in navigating a risky or stressful scenario with more caution or care. In addition, experiencing loneliness, sadness, or apathy when dealing with challenging, life-altering circumstances is also entirely normal. But when overwhelming melancholy or emptiness remains and worry starts to interfere with daily life, it ceases to be expected and becomes a mental health issue.
Impact of anxiety on body
Constant worry or fear triggers a bodily reaction in addition to an emotional one, continuous anxiety. Your sympathetic nervous system receives these signals when you are anxious, which causes your muscles to constrict and your heart rate and respiration rate to rise. Additionally, it diverts blood flow from your stomach organs and toward your brain.
The physical effects of worry can worsen when it becomes the rule rather than the exception, resulting in symptoms including dizziness, stomach ache, and an elevated resting heart rate.
Depression as a mood condition can have a substantial and detrimental impact on how you feel, think, and behave. People who suffer from depression frequently discover that completing chores and going about their daily lives is challenging.
Impact of depression on body
Depression may lower a person's motivation to choose a healthy lifestyle. Heart disease risk increases in persons who eat poorly and have a sedentary lifestyle.
Another possible independent risk factor for issues with heart health is depression. One in five persons with heart failure or coronary artery disease also has depression.
Ways to avoid depression and anxiety
Regular exercise
Reduce use of social media
Reduce stress and get lots of rest
Avoid negative people.
Eat sensibly and keep a healthy weight
Cut back on drinking and drug use.